Front pageGo On Kuopio

Go On Kuopio

Savonkatu 12, 70100 Kuopio

We are open weekdays between 8.00 – 16.00.

Lasse Mönkkönen

Entrepreneur / Head of Unit, SHL

Aino Julkunen

HR Specialist

    Go On Kuopio is a staffing service company operating in the North Savo region.

    We offer entrepreneur-led and local staffing services for changing staffing needs.

    Contact us – Go On Kuopio

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    Tresgomen Oy
    PL 100
    80020 Kollektor Scan

    Y-tunnus: 2360690-2
    Verkkolaskuosoite: 003723606902
    Operaattoritunnus: 003721291126
    Operaattori: Maventa

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