Keskuskatu 25 B, 48100 Kotka
We are available by phone between 8.00 – 16.00 on weekdays. At other times, you can email us.
We hope that you agree to visit our office in advance so that we can be present.
We at Go On Kotka work seriously, but always with a twinkle in our eye. Feel free to contact us when you need new winds in your working life!
We offer job opportunities from gig work to permanent employment whatever suits your situation best.
Please feel free to submit an application and we will be in touch with you!
You can apply for a particular job or submit an open application at any time, as not all jobs end up in the application if we find an employee in our CV bank.
In addition to staffing service, our services include recruitment, headhunting, SHL aptitude assessments and online orientation.
Our teams in Kotka are led by our entrepreneurs from Kymenlaakso, but there is a national Go On network in the background, so we can help with personnel matters throughout Finland.
"*" indicates required fields
Invoicing address
Dinamet Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan
Y-tunnus: 2098497-5
Verkkolaskuosoite: 003720984975
Operaattoritunnus: 003721291126
Operaattori: Maventa